Post: bad drug prednisone
Posted by Robert on 5/05/12
this drug was perscribed to me for a hives retook it for two days and action i was dealing with the rash. The prednisone made my bodswelled up so bad bady swell mainly my right leg aand arm. My leg swelled up so bad and began giving me pain. Also my mind wasgoing nuts . Next my head started to swell. my neck and leg and some other parts are still swollen today. The worst part is when i went to a different doctor she was goin to perscribe prednesone again right after i told her it was killing me. so then the doctor went and got another doctor and together they kept trying to convince me to keep taking prednisone. It blew my mind how these doctors after seeing my leg and whole body and knowing all the side affect still tried to get me to take it. These doctors then told me to go to dermatology and to not waste my money coming bact to them. I CANT BELIEVE THE WAY THIS HEALTH CARE IS IN CALIFORNIA
Posts on this thread, including this one
- bad drug prednisone, 5/05/12, by Robert.