Re: Spinal cord stimulator (Medtronics})
Posted by Dan Maloney on 7/09/12
On 6/26/12, Wayne wrote: > I have been in the medical feild all of my life. > That all changed after getting a spinal cord > stimulator.My unit was working well on the trial > but one of the two leads weren"t working. When I > had a revision in 2004 neither worked. I know > have a unit in me that I cant get taken out the > battery pack feels like I am laying or sitting > on a wallet.I can Never have a MRI again and > have more pain then when metronics pushed this > thing. Why would there be a person in the O.R. > that was not scrubbed in but had a say on > how,where and what to do with it. ANYONE having > this done I would really advise against it. I > have more pain,less sleep and decreased quality > of life. I also can not get this taken out and > the medtronic rep.was "scheduled to program > someone elses to program. She did say that "she > feels bad that it didnt work out for me" that > makes the last 8 plus years of pain,trouble > sitting,sleeping and the total disability so > much better.