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    Post: Potassium Supplements Are Reduced To Plecebo

    Posted by Steve Blonske on 8/24/12

    If you have had health problems involving
    Cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnea,
    hardening of lungs and organs, disruption of sight
    and hearing quality; then you are showing symtoms
    of the stripping of potassium from foods.

    Potassium Gluconate 15 years ago maintained the
    industry standard of a minimum of 40% of minimum
    daily requirement per tablet.

    Today, Potassium Gluconate supplements only carry
    a maximum of 3% of minimum daily requirement.

    Back in the 1980's it was established that anything
    that is less than 12% of the minimum daily requirement
    is a plecebo.

    Potassium is ESSENTIAL to ensure balanced funtion of the
    metabolism. It is also essential for all neural function.

    Monitoring and reporting of blood potassium levels have
    been discontinued at the request of the AMA and HMO's.

    The only question is: who do you sue for what seems to
    be a medical conspiracy when the FBI is claiming that
    80% of doctors are untrustworthy because of drug abuse
    and degenerate behavior syndromes.

    Steve Blonske
    GySgt USMC Retired

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  • Potassium Supplements Are Reduced To Plecebo, 8/24/12, by Steve Blonske.

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