Post: Spinalcord stimultor
Posted by Rosie on 9/22/12
Has anyone had any luck getting help from a lawyer concerning the scs medtronic device? I was told that my battery was placed in the wrong area. I have constant pain still and now worse then ever. I was told that i needed to have the battery moved up above my waistline or in my stomach area. I get surges that go down my spine and my legs feel like jelly. At time causes me to fall. the pain then shoots all up and down my back and legs. pins needles burning...throbbing stabbing pains. Actually make me sick at stomach at times when this happens to me. I am not going to let the same doc that implanted it the first time do it again that is for sure. i am hoping here in Chapel Hill that the doctors here can help me with this device and my pain. Anyone with any ideas I am open to them or anyone who has a good doctor they know that could help me. I am to see one in Chapel Hill next month. i have had this device since Feb 2006. Thanks all comments and ideas are welcome. pls feel free to email me at Rosie
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Spinalcord stimultor, 9/22/12, by Rosie.