Post: NYS Rules On Filing Complaints

Posted by miles on 11/12/12
I am not a lawyer.
One of my relatives along with dozens of others ingested an
adulterated protien powder supplement in Dec.2009. I have
filed a an insurance claim about six months ago. The
insurance company denies coverage based on causation issues.
The statute of limitations will run out in about a month. A
suit will have to be filed. The lawyers I talk to say that
there is not enough time for them to investigate the case
[my fault for waiting]. I will keep looking, until then.
I have found online a copy of the complaint of another
plaintiff written by his attorney [ I will go to court to
see if it acurate]. The complaint is not specfic on
explaining injuries damage amount etc.
My question is can I use this complaint as my own after
making the necessary edits to fit my circumstances? Are
there specfic rules about things like that? Of course I
would make sure the complaint is accuate and edited to fit
my situation. Will the defense try to get case dismissed
because I used someone else's complaint or will his /her
honor care?
Of course I will amend it if necessary.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- NYS Rules On Filing Complaints, 11/12/12, by miles.