Post: Broken titanium screw in neck

Posted by Laura on 3/10/15
I had a three level ACDF c-4-c7 5/24/2012,I felt something was wrong and my neurosurgion poopooed me .I had more epidurals suferred migrains then in June 2013 my Doc finally had CT done and found a broken titanium screw c-7 ,the cadaver bone had not incorporated with my own bone,I found this out the day our house sold in LA and was told by my surgeon that I would have to pay for movers as I could not lift more than 20lbs.I now live in AZ went to several doctors(many who said "we don't do litigations"? I was sent to ENT and found that my rt vocal chord had been paralized during surgery.I faound a neurosurgeon who said that I had NOT fused,the hardware was breaking down and on 6/18/2014 I had a posterior fusion to stabilize my neck was in neck brace 4 months,I am still in physical therapy,have not been able to work and have yet to recieve any social security compansation! Last year our out of pocket expenses were astronomical,my marriage came very close to ending as a direct result of the problems associated with this situation. HOW DOES TITANIUM BREAK?? I have it in my mouth and that is fine and stable?? Please help me!!!
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Broken titanium screw in neck, 3/10/15, by Laura.