Post: Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st

Posted by donnie richie on 1/09/17
I had to have a second surgery do to my rep telling the doc
tor while I was in surgery to move it up from where the
run was why did she not ask me first. I have got so weak ov
er time that most of the day am on a cane, and now its not
w here it should be a rep flew in from Alabama he was there
min and said sir am sorry we will never be able to fix it u
nless we do the third surgery I said sir if they could not
get it right in surgery am not having three unless they
take it out of me. and they want me to pay for that. please
if you are think of this don't do this it just not worth se
eing if this will work for you are not. sad but have a good
day thank you.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Re: having problems with Boston Scientific's spinal cord st, 1/09/17, by donnie richie.