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    Post: Prescriptive Easements and Tacking

    Posted by dts on 10/27/05

    Seeking comments on the following real case:

    Jones buys property in 1995. Begins using road on adjoining
    property that belongs to absent property owner, Smith.

    In 2001, Smith finds out Jones is using his property; Smith
    blocks road.
    Jones orally claims prescriptive easement on road.
    Smith files quiet title lawsuit in 2001 against Jones.

    Jones defends and counter-sues Smith claiming prescriptive
    Jones then sells to Williams. Williams does not intervene
    in the lawsuit at time of purchase.
    Jones then suffers discovery sanctions where court struck
    answer, entered his default and dismissed his counter-suit
    with prejudice.

    Williams intervenes after Jones suffers discovery sanctions.
    Williams claims he has prescriptive easement and has own
    right to litigate the easement. Williams tears down fence.
    Williams claims he does not have to tack onto Jones to meet
    statutory 5-year- period for prescriptive easement.

    Smith claims he has already litigated the issue of the
    easement. Smith claims Williams does not meet statutory
    requirements for easement; must tack onto Jones.

    Williams says he does not have to tack onto anyone. That he
    can rely on any of his predecessors’ use of the road and has
    own right to pursue the easement and claims there has been
    no final judgment in the case. Case set for trial in about
    six months.

    State case law provides that a terminating sanction is "on
    the merits" and res judicata.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Prescriptive Easements and Tacking, 10/27/05, by dts.
  • Re: Prescriptive Easements and Tacking, 10/27/05, by Still Looking.
  • Re: Prescriptive Easements and Tacking, 10/27/05, by dts.
  • Re: Prescriptive Easements and Tacking, 10/28/05, by Still Looking.
  • Re: Prescriptive Easements and Tacking, 10/28/05, by dts.

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