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    Re: Prescriptive Easements

    Posted by Res Ispa Loquitur on 1/20/07

    Generally a deed should have all easements listed. If
    this "PUD" company put a pole on the property for a length
    of time meeting the time requirement in you states statute
    for continued and uninterrupted occupation then it is
    there. YOu will have to look up the statute in your state
    for the time limit (statute of limitations). If you or the
    previous owner gave Permission to place the pole there this
    is not adverse so the easement will not attach. It seems if
    the power pole is connected to your house then it could be
    viewed with permission to service your house. In this case
    it may not be prescriptive.

    But! If a utility company does not have an easment it can
    get one easily with out your permission. For example when
    cable TV was coming out some people refused to grant the
    easement accross their land. The court then simple said the
    eastments alread burdening the land will then allow Or
    expand to have the cable use it. The water pipe easement
    and electrical easements were used to run the cable.

    Also remember no one in America "owns" their land. The
    government only allows the best use of the land to people.
    IF the best use of the land is now for a power pole the
    court will take away the "privledge" of use from the owner.
    Ie Eminent Domain.

    Res Ispa Loquitur

    On 1/19/07, Tiffany wrote:
    > I have a power pole on my property with no recorded
    > easement (at least that is what the title company told
    > me). Does the PUD have to have an easement? If so, how
    > do I find out if they do? Is it recorded with the county?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Prescriptive Easements, 1/19/07, by Tiffany.
  • Re: Prescriptive Easements, 1/20/07, by Res Ispa Loquitur.

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