Re: Adverse possesion
Posted by Res Ipsa Loquitur on 4/17/07
Maria Adverse Possession only works if there was not any "permission" granted by the former owner. So get the previous owner to write something up that he gave permission to the neighbor to use the lot. Also with a witness or in writing get neighbor to admit to permission . Also the Adverse Possession must be continuous. Find out if there were some years he did not use the property. Res Ipsa Loquitur On 4/16/07, Maria wrote: > I bought my house in 1992, with an extra lot, that the > owner said was using it for over 40 years, but din't have > title for. After I bought the house I got a letter from > New your City Collector .Leting me know that if I don't > pay taxes on the extra lot they will foreclosure. I have > been using the property and paying taxes as mine, no body > ever claimed, but now that I want to sell I need a clean > Title, Help
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Adverse possesion, 4/16/07, by Maria.
- Re: Adverse possesion, 4/17/07, by Res Ipsa Loquitur.