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    Post: property line dispute

    Posted by Sarah on 5/16/07

    I am having a dispute with my neighbor about what part of
    the property line is hers and mine. She is the one
    disputing it, I have found my pin that shows she is in
    fact 3 feet in on my property. I filed for a permit for a
    fence and driveway for that side of my property it was
    granted but magically 10 min after it was approved she
    filed for a fence permit and then claimed it was being
    disputed so now neither of us can have a permit until the
    dispute is resolved. I have hired a surveyer to come out
    but feel that since she is the one disputing that she
    should pay for it. She has claimed that no matter what the
    surveyer says she will take me to court for Squatters
    rights. Do we even have Squatting laws in NewHampshire
    over property lines??
    Her husband and her on a daily basis come on to my
    property and move my things away from her stuff she has on
    my property. it turned out to be a fight over my own stuff
    that they refused to stop moving that I ended up getting
    pushed and hurt from my neighbors husband, we did call the
    police they had told us that if they came out again no
    matter who touched who they would arrest us both. He also
    told my neighbor that she is not to touch ,cross or do
    anything to that side of the property until it has been
    surveyed. Same thing for us.
    I guess what I really want to know is even if the surveyer
    tell me yes that is your property can she still stake her
    claim on it??? I would take her to court for assault if I
    had the money for when I was injured trying to take my
    things away from her husand. She has also hired a lawyer.
    Please help

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • property line dispute, 5/16/07, by Sarah.

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