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    Re: adverse possesion

    Posted by john on 7/19/07

    Many states require 20 years of adverse possession to
    acquire title, some states less and a few more. You need to
    find out what time limit your state imposes for claiming
    title under adverse possession.

    The basic requirements for adverse possession are that:
    (a) The possession must be open for all to see. (e.g., not
    an underground tunnel)
    (b)The possession must be exclusive to him or her and not
    shared with others (e.g., a fence a driveway, road, etc.
    that the person claiming adverse possession uses or controls
    (c) The possession must be hostile to the actual owner of
    the land. (i.e., the person must claim a legal right to the
    property in spite of any property rights of the actual owner)
    (d) All of the above must have existed, without lapse, for
    the length of time required by statute.
    These elements are conjunctive, if any one of them is
    not met; the prescriptive easement will fail.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • adverse possesion, 7/16/07, by K.
  • Re: adverse possesion, 7/19/07, by john.

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