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    Post: Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina

    Posted by Gerald on 6/05/09

    We have a plot of land that has a road bordering an adjacent
    property owner. The road belongs to us, and the adjacent
    property owner has a "deeded" access to his property on the
    other side.

    Throughout the years, the adjacent property owner has used
    our road as a means of convenience rather than necessity.

    The property owner periodically grades the road, though we
    have on many occasions stated that he may not do this.
    (Though it's hard to argue with a guy driving a large piece
    of machinery.)

    There are now attorneys involved and his attorney is
    claiming adverse possession.

    Can this be correct considering the neighbor does not need
    to use the road to access his property?

    We were told that if we block access to the road, the
    neighbor could file an injunction. Thoughts?

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina, 6/05/09, by Gerald.
  • Re: Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina, 6/05/09, by hmmmmm.
  • Re: Adverse possession in Pennsylvanina, 6/05/09, by gate?.

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