Post: Adverse Possession

Posted by Sheila Luke on 11/09/10
We bought our home 5+ years ago. After purchasing a surveyor said the neighboring property is 20' on to our property. The subdivision was done at a time when family didn't have to do subdivision. The boundaries have been there for sometime, trees are planted on boundary and home was built in 1988. Township put diversion ditches on both side borders of our property (all this before neighbors had survey showing all lots shift west 20') Pictures, aerials all clearly define our lines. Can I file for adverse possession myself? If not what would the cost be to me? I need to do this quickly as the property next to me has sold and the company whom bought is putting in a pumping station. Thanks, Sheila
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Adverse Possession, 11/09/10, by Sheila Luke.