Post: Win your home Free and Clear EVEN if you are in Foreclosure

Posted by john on 5/17/14
Win your home Free and Clear EVEN if you are in
Mortgages have ended up in trusts with investors all over
the world and when foreclosure occurs the firm foreclosing
cannot prove they have the legal right to foreclose. The
Note and the Deed of Trust or Mortgage were separated.
When no one can clearly prove they have the legal right to
foreclose on a mortgage the home owner can ask the court
for a Quiet Title. If the Quiet Title action is upheld then
you have the home free and clear.
Yes this is correct your home is free and clear! Many
judges are now being presented with the evidence against
the lenders to reveal the terrible things the banks have
done to home owners.
You need to be able to provide this evidence in order to
file this type of legal complaint – Holmes & Galt can
provide you with this evidence! We have found a firm that
can take the needed findings and pursue the bank for you
winning your home Free and Clear. Then they can continue to
press for penalties for you from the bank.
Please go here to learn much more free of charge: VISIT US,
ALERT: If you found us too late and Foreclosure or Short
Sale is on your Credit Report and is blocking you from
buying a home, then contact us and we can remove
Foreclosure or Short Sales from your credit report. This is
one of our specialties.
Thank you for your time and interest.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Win your home Free and Clear EVEN if you are in Foreclosure, 5/17/14, by john.