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    Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise

    Posted by v on 4/02/06

    rrr: You forgot te rest of the
    sqeeze play, credit card minimum
    payments have doubled by law. Since
    gas prices have more then double,
    and add to that riseing taxes.
    Pretty soon there will be alot of
    people forced to throw in the towel.
    Most household planners can plan for
    contigency expenese, it's the added
    unexspected costs of living that
    will push most people over the edge.
    The people who are on the edge now.
    Have nowhere to go but down, with
    the rest of the economey.

    On 3/31/06, Guru wrote:
    > Fordham,
    > Solo practice in the current
    environment is very tough. You have
    > me in the past, but I mean well.
    A few years of work will allow you
    to save
    > money, get experience, make
    contacts, and allow the solo
    attorney supply to
    > drop, which it will. Then you can
    come in and do very well. Just my
    > advice, but think before you
    dismiss opinions from people who are
    out in the
    > field with their hands dirty.
    > Another thing, if you have trouble
    getting law work, which many grads
    > (there are too many lawyers), then
    try finance. I have found, to my
    > surprise, that the finance field
    greatly respects a JD. I have been
    > better from the finance and Wall
    Street types than I ever was by any
    > attorney, law student, law clerk,
    judge, or client. Food for thought.
    > On 3/31/06, FordhamGrad wrote:
    >> Thanks for the good feedback.
    I'm evaluating work options right
    now - in
    >> a few years, at least, I'd like
    to be on my own, and BK has always
    >> interested me.
    >> On 3/31/06, FordhamGrad wrote:
    >>> On 3/30/06, Dante wrote:
    >>>> Question: I understand that the
    new law only applies to half the
    >>>> population - namely, those that
    make more than the median income of
    >>>> their particular state. This
    being the case, are any attorneys
    >>>> charging these clients the same
    fee as before? Or are the new fees
    >>>> hiked for everybody?
    >>>> And as a side thought, since
    poorer people are presumably more
    >>>> likely to go bankrupt, would it
    be safe to say that the majority of
    >>>> potential clients are not
    impacted by the new law?
    >>>> Answer: Bankruptcy law is no
    longer for amateurs. Please do
    >>>> a favor and work with someone
    who does this for a living. The
    >>>> of messing it up, which is now
    fairly easy to do, could be huge
    >>>> professionally. Check out
    membership in the ABI if you're
    >>>> considering BK practice.
    Liability coverage is more
    expensive, so
    >>>> everybody gets charged about
    twice as much as before. This is
    the new
    >>>> reality.
    >>>> Poorer people tend to
    be "judgment proof," i.e., you can't
    get blood
    >>>> from a stone. When I first
    started doing BK about 10 years ago,
    >>>> figured that the target market
    was the poor; it is not. It is the
    >>>> working poor, formerly known as
    the lower middle class, who comprise
    >>>> the client base. Everyone is
    impacted by the new law. I had to
    >>>> someone away today because they
    couldn't afford my fee. It was a
    >>>> lose result that wouldn't have
    happened 6 months ago. But keep a
    >>>> positive outlook.
    Opportunities are rarely handed to
    us on golden
    >>>> platters. There is always room
    at the top. It's the bottom tiers
    >>>> the practice that are crowded.
    >>>> Good luck.
    >>>> On 3/28/06, FordhamGrad wrote:
    >>>>> Question: I understand that
    the new law only applies to half the
    >>>>> population - namely, those
    that make more than the median
    income of
    >>>>> their particular state. This
    being the case, are any attorneys
    >>>>> charging these clients the
    same fee as before? Or are the new
    >>>>> hiked for everybody?
    >>>>> And as a side thought, since
    poorer people are presumably more
    >>>>> likely to go bankrupt, would
    it be safe to say that the majority
    >>>>> potential clients are not
    impacted by the new law?
    >>>>> I'm not practicing yet, just
    >>>>> On 3/28/06, Dante wrote:
    >>>>>> I admire the optimism of both
    Jiff and rrr to predict the future
    >>>>> of
    >>>>>> bankruptcy. What do we
    really know? The practice area has
    >>>>>> dropped off a cliff in terms
    of business. Will this trend
    >>>>>> continue? The U.S. household
    savings rate is the lowest ever.
    >>>>>> Housing prices are the
    highest ever, and oil is now over
    $60 per
    >>>>>> barrel. Add into that an
    aging population, foreseeably
    >>>>> tax
    >>>>>> increases both at the federal
    and state level, and the financial
    >>>>>> picture darkens.
    >>>>>> Short-term, our business
    looks bad; over the longer haul, one
    >>>>>> to think that there's hope.
    I am told that the Chinese character
    >>>>>> for "crisis"
    and "opportunity" is the same.
    >>>>>> We are diversifying over the
    short-term, and keeping an eye on
    >>>>>> long-term opportunity for
    consumer liquidations that is sure
    >>>>>> arise in the deepening morass
    that is our national economy.
    >>>>>> On 3/28/06, Jiff wrote:
    >>>>>>> I admire your optimism, but
    I just don't see it that way. The
    >>>>>>> problem I see with your
    analysis is that you assume debtors
    >>>>>>> actually going to defend
    against collection suits. In
    >>>>>>> they don't, not in large
    enough numbers to make it a viable
    >>>>>>> practice add on. As far as
    independent paralegals, they never
    >>>>>>> really took hold in my area,
    and as far as easy, cheap work,
    >>>>>>> attorneys were more than
    happy to do it. Client comes to me
    >>>>>>> offers $400-500 for about 2
    hours (at most) of my time for a
    >>>>>>> simple 7, and I take it
    happily over and over again. Well,
    >>>>>>> used to, under the old law.
    I share the sentiment voiced by
    >>>>>>> others on this board that
    bankruptcy's glory days are behind
    >>>>>>> us. It was the easiest
    money I ever made, now, back to
    >>>>>>> pesky divorce clients!
    >>>>>>> On 3/28/06, rrr wrote:
    >>>>>>>> On 3/28/06, Jiff wrote:
    >>>>>>>>> Read these thoroughly.
    Bankruptcy filings are "rising", but
    >>>>>>>>> from virtually nothing.
    The current and projected caseload
    >>>>>>>>> for the next twelve months
    will not support the current
    >>>>>>>>> number of bankruptcy
    attorneys. 2/3 of the bankruptcy
    >>>>>>>>> attorneys will go out of
    business in the next year, in my
    >>>>>>>>> view.
    >>>>>>>> I think its going to push
    the Independent Paralegals out of
    >>>>>>>> Bankruptcy business since
    they were the ones doing most of the
    >>>>>>>> fast & easy petitions (at
    least they were the ones here in
    >>>>>>>> California). I've already
    seen it in the local advertising.
    >>>>>>>> Not a Paralegal advertising
    for BK at all. The Attorney
    >>>>>>>> who "occassionally" did a
    bankrutpcy will no longer do them,
    >>>>>>>> and the mills will have to
    change their methods, but the core
    >>>>>>>> Debtor-Consumer Attorneys
    are going to come out ahead. And we
    >>>>>>>> haven't even started to see
    the fallout from the slow down in
    >>>>>>>> real estate and
    consequences from aggressive
    mortgage lending
    >>>>>>>> practices. When the
    foreclosures start to hit in a
    >>>>>>>> market, it will be time to
    feed again. Not to mention there
    >>>>>>>> will be more Collections
    Defense Litigation from those who
    >>>>>>>> can't Chapter 7 because of
    the Means Test and lack the
    >>>>>>>> financial stability to
    Chapter 13, and have no foreclosure
    >>>>>>>> prevent. This new law may
    actually be great news for Debtor-
    >>>>>>>> side Practitioners after we
    shake off the immediate mental
    >>>>>>>> shock and adapt to the
    change. Time to be patient and time
    >>>>>>>> be visionary, the greedy
    shylocks might have just made us all
    >>>>>>>> rich.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by FordhamGrad.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by rrr.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by Dante.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by Jiff.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by rrr.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by Jiff.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by Dante.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by FordhamGrad.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/28/06, by Jiff.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/29/06, by rrr.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/29/06, by jiff.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/30/06, by Dante.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/31/06, by FordhamGrad.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/31/06, by FordhamGrad.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/31/06, by Jiff.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/31/06, by Guru.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 3/31/06, by L.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by v.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Guru.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by L.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Guru.
  • Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by v.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy), 4/03/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by The Zephyr.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Guru.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by v.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by v.
  • Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/06/06, by randy.

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