Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise
Posted by Guru on 4/02/06
Why won't whites and blacks do construction or meat packing jobs? Because it is hard work? Yes, that's why. There has to be enough time in the day to watch Beevis and Butthead, or to cook up some meth, and hard labor jobs don't allow time for that. A nation of Beevis and Buttheads. L, sorry I forgot to answer your question earlier. Finance is booming right now. Bull markets in commodities and stocks. Anything from trading, analyst, sales, compliance. With your experience, I suggest trying it out. One word of caution: Shed the lawyer demeanor, if you have one. They dont like it. Bring a bright, affable, and non-stuffy persona. These are gregarious people, who love life. And the money is great. Funny thing, lawyers really dont make squat, compared to jobs in finance and medicine, or even ac and auto repair, lol. I remember when I was a law clerk in school, I worked at this "top firm." All of these fancy partners, noted experts in their field, and they only made $60,000-$70,000 a year. A JD is great, but odds are you wont make real money with it in the legal profession. On 4/02/06, L wrote: > On 4/02/06, Mr. Blue wrote: > Of course, we're also continuing to shed lower middle >> class blue collar jobs with many of those jobs going to illegals (construction > and >> meat packing come to mind). >> > Most whites and blacks won't do those jobs anyway. The illegals work for less > than the minimum wage so Americans can enjoy goods/services at low prices. > > You've been looking for meatpacking jobs and losing out to illegals?
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- Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Mr. Blue.
- Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Guru.
- Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by L.
- Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by Guru.
- Re: Bankruptcy Filings Rise, 4/02/06, by v.
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- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Guru.
- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by v.
- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
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- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Mr. Blue.
- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by Mr. Blue.
- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by L.
- Re: Interconnectedness of Employment Markets (was Bankruptcy, 4/03/06, by v.
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