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    Re: Google Adwords

    Posted by Jason on 4/11/06

    Sorry for the blank post--

    Basically, I'm looking for advice on getting set up the right
    way. If I'm reading all of this right, I want to tailor my
    keyword selections to target a specific audience, as well as
    word my ad in such a way that it is clicked on a high percentage
    of the time (this is apparently what lowers my cost per hit bid?)

    In addition I want to avoid attracting hits from people who
    aren't at all interested in my services.

    This all sounds pretty basic, I just saw a lot of warnings on
    the webpages I visited regarding losing $$ and having keywords
    disabled by Google.

    Is it as simple as going to the Google website and just coming
    up with a list of solid keywords? Should I use one of these
    keyword programs that generates the popular alternatives? What
    have been some sucessful keywords/phrases that have worked for you?

    Like I said, I'm a newbie with this stuff--any basic advice on
    what to do/what not to do in setting this up would be extremely

    Thanks in advance for the help!
    On 4/11/06, Guru wrote:

    > What kind of questions do you have? No need to spend money
    > on that program, just ask questions here. People can help,
    > for free.
    > On 4/11/06, Jason wrote:
    >> Has anyone used the Perry Marshall Google Adword system?
    >> The basic program is only $49, but I was wondering if it
    > was
    >> worth it. I'm new to the world of Adwords and don't want
    > to
    >> waste a lot of money getting things set up incorrectly.
    >> Any suggestions on getting setup with Adwords the right way
    >> would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Google Adwords, 4/11/06, by Jason.
  • Re: Google Adwords, 4/11/06, by Guru.
  • Re: Google Adwords, 4/11/06, by Jason.
  • Re: Google Adwords, 4/11/06, by Jason.

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