Re: Internet Advertising
Posted by Jiff on 4/24/06
Those attorney referral sites have "caps" on how much they can spend. Find where the caps are and you beat them. Go in and bid a very high number. You will see they then reduce their bids. Play with the numbers. You can outbid them easily. On 4/24/06, K Soard wrote: > I am very confused about internet advertising with Google > Ad Words and Yahoo, why does it seem like a crazy bidding > war, but not even with real competitors, but instead with > web sites which just advertise for other attorneys? > Sometimes when I put my key words in to see if I come up, > these web sites are not even related to my key words. > Anyone know what is going on??
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by K Soard.
- Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by Jiff.
- Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by K Soard.
- Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by Jiff.
- Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by K Soard.
- Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by Jiff.