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    Re: Internet Advertising

    Posted by K Soard on 4/24/06

    Yes, I think I can see that. Funny they have all these clicks for
    content since I started, which I am not even sure what that is
    about, but I have had no contacts. These sites do not explain at
    all how they are really charging you!!

    On 4/24/06, Jiff wrote:
    > I have not experienced any click fraud on Overture. Google is
    > another matter. I have experienced click fraud for sure on
    > their content network (ads distributed to member sites, like
    > here on, for example, as opposed to search generated
    > ads.) I recommend not using the content network. It will bleed
    > you dry. If you do suspect click fraud, contact the company and
    > let them know. They can trace click fraud based on IP.
    > On 4/24/06, K Soard wrote:
    >> Yes, but how do you know that they won't click on your site
    >> just to drive up your costs. For that matter, how can you even
    >> figure out who is clicking on your site?? Very new to this, so
    >> it is very hard for me to understand.
    >> On 4/24/06, Jiff wrote:
    >>> Those attorney referral sites have "caps" on how much they
    >>> can spend. Find where the caps are and you beat them. Go
    >>> in and bid a very high number. You will see they then
    >>> reduce their bids. Play with the numbers. You can outbid
    >>> them easily.
    >>> On 4/24/06, K Soard wrote:
    >>>> I am very confused about internet advertising with Google
    >>>> Ad Words and Yahoo, why does it seem like a crazy bidding
    >>>> war, but not even with real competitors, but instead with
    >>>> web sites which just advertise for other attorneys?
    >>>> Sometimes when I put my key words in to see if I come up,
    >>>> these web sites are not even related to my key words.
    >>>> Anyone know what is going on??

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by K Soard.
  • Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by Jiff.
  • Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by K Soard.
  • Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by Jiff.
  • Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by K Soard.
  • Re: Internet Advertising, 4/24/06, by Jiff.

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