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    Re: Representing individuals vs. businesses

    Posted by rrr on 4/25/06

    On 4/25/06, Ron D. wrote:

    > I'd love to hear some opinions. Should we, as solos,
    > concentrate on the "individual" market? Do enough
    > businesses bother with solos to make chasing them
    > worthwhile, or is this a waste of time?
    > Thanks in advance for any opinions.

    I have a few thoughts. Most businesses don't generate alot
    of repeat legal work. The few that do try to internalize as
    much as possible.

    I worked for a 'Solo' who had business clients, and he was
    always trying to puff up his firm size by listing "of
    counsel" and others. We were a 2 lawyer firm, and yet we
    had 6 attorneys on our letterhead. My quess is that he saw
    the difficulty of being a smallfirm going after big clients.
    And he had big firm credentials. That said we had one
    client that gave us 60% of our work, and a half dozen more
    who gave us the rest. We had a few individual clients, but
    they were mostly more heartache then they were worth.

    But yeah, a solo can get Corportate work but keep in mind
    that the profitable work is complex (ie you are too small to
    do it) and the work that you can do is heavily discounted...
    ie $100-125 an hour. I assume that a highly specialized
    solo could obtain high hourly rates for complex work, but I
    think thats the exception not the rule.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Representing individuals vs. businesses, 4/25/06, by Ron D..
  • Re: Representing individuals vs. businesses, 4/25/06, by Protege.
  • Re: Representing individuals vs. businesses, 4/25/06, by rrr.

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