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    Re: Educational Arms Race

    Posted by v on 5/14/06

    Mr. Blue. I don't know how to put
    this in a way, so as not to offend
    any one that has attended college
    and takin a business course. I found
    the majority of classes to be a
    total waste of time and money. The
    only course i found out any thing
    new was in bus. 101, and macro
    economics. I never botherd with
    micro economics, which is usually
    takin before macro economics. All
    the courses were required towards a
    business degree. In either business
    administration, or business
    management. Not all credits were
    transferable. I can't say what was
    being offerd at other colleges. If
    i had to do over again, i would have
    enrolled in harvard business school.

    On 5/11/06, Mr. Blue wrote:
    > On 5/10/06, L wrote:
    >> Blue, you never answered my
    questions: what courses did
    >> you take in high school and
    college? did you get enough
    >> grounding in the liberal arts?
    > I must have missed your question.
    In high school I had a
    > rigorous and excellent course in
    American History. I also had
    > five years worth of French
    (beginning in the 8th Grade). As
    > an undergrad I didn't have to take
    many liberal arts courses,
    > being a science major, but did
    take courses in Philosophy,
    > Economics, Medieval History, and
    Greek Mythology.
    > I don't regard my liberal arts
    background as being deficient
    > relative to that of most college
    graduates. However, I do
    > wish that I had taken some
    business courses and if I could do
    > it again, I would try for a second
    major in finance or accounting.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Educational Arms Race, 5/10/06, by L.
  • Re: Educational Arms Race, 5/10/06, by Raja Ankenish.
  • Re: Educational Arms Race, 5/11/06, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Educational Arms Race, 5/14/06, by v.

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