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    Post: Am I right or wrong?

    Posted by Criminal Defense Attorney on 6/17/06

    I'm wondering if other attorneys could give an opinion if
    I'm right or wrong on a recent incident I was involved

    I had a criminal case that was marked for trial.
    Basically, my client's punk teenage son made a false
    report to the police that he was assaulted by his father.
    It was later well documented by youth services that the
    kid (who has a long history of disciplinary problems) made
    the story up so he could get rid of his father for the
    night and have a party.

    Anyway, the Assistant DA agreed to dismiss the case based
    on the mountain of evidence that my client (a former
    marine) was a victim of his lying son. Which brings me to
    the incident in question. Just before the call of the list
    first thing in the morning, the ADA I was dealing with
    disappeared to another courtroom to try another case. Her
    replacement (a two month veteran) told the judge that he
    did not know what was going on with our case, and asked
    for further call, after HIS bench trial. So I had to wait
    around for over three hours until his trial was done, at
    which time he discovered that, yes, the case was to be
    dismissed (it took him about one minute to ascertain
    this). The dismissal hearing took all of thirty seconds.

    I politely complained to the supervising ADA that this was
    very disrespectful of my time. I felt that the ADA should
    have told her replacement to dismiss the case and allow me
    to leave. Before dismissing me, she informed me that since
    my client commited a crime, it was our problem that we had
    too wait.

    Solos know how valuable our time is. To me, for an ADA to
    nonchalantly make me hang around for three hours is
    arrogance at its highest. Am I overreacting? I know
    there's nothing that can be done, the incident is in the
    past, but I guess I'm looking to either be validated or
    told I'm taking this too seriously.

    Opinions are appreciated.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Am I right or wrong?, 6/17/06, by Criminal Defense Attorney.
  • Re: Am I right or wrong?, 6/18/06, by Hardy Parkerson, Atty. - Lake Charles.
  • Re: Am I right or wrong?, 6/18/06, by solo2.
  • Re: Am I right or wrong?, 6/19/06, by Criminal Defense Attorney.
  • Re: Am I right or wrong?, 6/19/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Am I right or wrong? - Response to Carol, 6/19/06, by Criminal Defense Attorney.
  • Re: Am I right or wrong? - Response to Carol, 6/21/06, by Carol.

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