Re: secretary?
Posted by Jeff Mathias on 7/27/06
I've had staff and I've gone totally solo & having staff can work if you can find good people. We tend to expect more dedication than people are willing to give. I just got tired of constant tardiness & just not getting work done that I needed done, so I have gone totally solo. It allows me to be that much more selective on cases and it is nice not having the stress of making payroll. On 7/27/06, douglas wrote: > I'm new to this group. Have practiced for 8 yrs. left 6 > lawyer group 3 yrs ago. practice PI, immigration and real > estate all without a secretary. to be fair, my wife, also > atty, helps me with calls, faxes, scheduling... she works > b/c we both still carry debt from school. I've been > through three secs. It's very difficult to find anyone > who takes care of our business like we do. Q: how crazy > am I to keep this up w/o a secretary. Real estate is > pickin up for us but not enough to justify another salary. > I guess I just admitted I'm feeling a little crazy. > thanks.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- secretary?, 7/27/06, by douglas.
- Re: secretary?, 7/27/06, by Carol.
- Re: secretary?, 7/27/06, by Jeff Mathias.
- Re: secretary?, 7/28/06, by rrr.
- Re: secretary?, 8/18/06, by Bob.
- Re: secretary?, 10/30/06, by Denise_SVA.
- Re: secretary?, 10/31/06, by Henry McShtaffenstein.
- Re: secretary?, 10/31/06, by Carol.
- Re: secretary?, 10/31/06, by FordhamGrad.
- Re: secretary?, 10/31/06, by Harold Butkis.
- Re: secretary?, 11/04/06, by randy.
- Re: secretary?, 11/05/06, by Anthony.