Re: Would Legal Insurance boost employment?
Posted by Insurance Guru on 8/19/06
It exists. Hyatt Legal. PPLSI. The reimbursement sucks I've been told. Join the state bar referral service. It should help. If not, do docuprep. On 8/19/06, Still Looking wrote: > If one only includes legal employment, then approximately > 50&37; of licensed attorneys in the U.S. are unemployed as > lawyers. Of those perhaps half would like to practice law > but are either unable to secure associates positions or > establish viable practices. Now I believe one of the > great boons to the healthcare professions has been the > rise of health insurance in the latter half of the 20th > century, thus drastically reducing out of pocket expenses > for the American consumer. Realistically, would people > really spend money on the annual physical, when feeling > healthy, if it were not covered? I doubt it. A similar > situation is arising for dental insurance. The dental > profession was in serious decline about 20 years ago, but > the expansion of dental insurance has given the profession > a major boost. Same with optical insurance. > > Now whenever the idea of legal insurance arises, it is > always immediately squashed. Unethical. Unnecessary. > With the out of pocket system now in place however, how > many people actually use lawyers. I would say very few > unless their situation is so dire, that they are forced > to. If legal insurance existed, people could consult a > general practitioner, every one to two years let's say. > The generalist would review his client's general > situation, i.e estate planning, real estate, areas of risk > or concern. For minor issues such as a simple will, the > generalist may prepare this themselves, for more complex > areas the matter could be referred to a specialist. > Eventually the generalist may want to specialize > themselves. The insurance wouldn't even have to offer > full coverage, it could have maximum annual benefits for > example and co-payments and deductibles. As long as the > public felt that they were going to get assistance and not > socked with a bill for $1000 for a half day's worth of > work, I think many more people would utilize attorneys.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Would Legal Insurance boost employment?, 8/19/06, by Still Looking.
- Re: Would Legal Insurance boost employment?, 8/19/06, by Insurance Guru.
- Re: Would Legal Insurance boost employment?, 8/19/06, by rrr.
- Re: Would Legal Insurance boost employment?, 8/19/06, by Still Looking.
- Re: Would Legal Insurance boost employment?, 8/20/06, by rrr.