Re: Going Solo from Top 15
Posted by Dave on 9/24/06
Take as high paying a job as you can, and build a bank for a
couple of years. You'll need it to live on when you open
your office, because it will take some time to build a
client base. You'll also have an advantage if you can
afford a marketing budget, instead of just a yellow pages ad
and word-of-mouth. When you go to the big firm, pick a
practice area that will work in a solo practice as well.
Litigation skills translate, as do corporate (not
securities) and estate planning. And make as many contacts
as you can - treat your time in the firm as though you're
building your own practice, since that's what you're really
doing. You may hate the big firm life for a couple of years
(I did), but it's a stepping stone to your goal.
On 9/24/06, VM wrote:
> I'm currently a law student at a top 15 and can land a job
> paying the typical 145k plus bonus. I don't want to work
> for The Man, forever, though, and would like to 1) be my
> boss and 2) work in my community. Any advice as to whether
> I should try to go solo after graduation or do the typical
> Big Law Gig? I don't have any student debt as I worked for
> a bit after undergrad. I'd appreciate any advice. Thanks
> everyone.