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    Re: Taking "The Plunge"

    Posted by Carol on 10/20/06

    On 10/20/06, Bindy "The Flying Onion" wrote:
    > It would be valuable if you described how she "set up a lucrative
    > title company." In fact, it would be valuable if any of the Instant
    > Solo Tycoons (IST) here or friends of ISTs would describe in detail
    > how they made it so big starting out. Never have and never will
    > because never have.
    OK, you're on. She started out by doing some title searches for
    attorneys that were too busy. How did she know who these attorneys
    were? She had friends in the real estate business who put her in touch
    with these attorneys. When she went to the courthouse, she was
    friendly to the courthouse personnel and put the word out that she was
    available for searches. She contacted mortgage companies, banks and
    other lending institutions (not the big ones with their own title
    department) and let them know she was available. she never turned
    down a job, did excellent work in a timely manner. Attorneys knew
    they could call her if they needed someone to run down to the
    courthouse that afternoon. She contacted classmates in other counties
    and found out who was doing title and real estate work in their area.
    she then contacted them when she had a title search outside her area.
    They reciprocated. Her business built, she continued to network with
    Realtors, lending institutions, builders putting up new subdivisions
    and with other attorneys. she worked her butt off until she had so
    much business that she had to hire help. After finally getting
    established, she was able to leave the title work to others and do
    what she was really interested in. Is that enough or do you want the
    logistics of a title company? BTW i never said she was an instant solo
    tycoon. I said she is doing quite well. to me that is making a
    comfortable living and paying your bills. I am making a comfortable
    living most of the time here. so are all of the other solo attorneys
    in the area. maybe you're so cynical because of where you live or
    because you didn't make it?

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  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by solo2.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Clerk Dubs.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by jim.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/29/06, by Solo in Paradise.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Mark .
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Sparky the Flying Waffle.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Biff "The Flying Sandwich".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Bindy "The Flying Onion".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Flying Taco Thief.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/21/06, by Mark.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge"*"FLying whatever", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by kris.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by MacCheever.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/28/06, by v.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 11/11/06, by Cecile H.

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