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    Re: Taking "The Plunge"

    Posted by Martin on 10/24/06

    Won't they be dead?

    On 10/24/06, Carol wrote:
    > On 10/24/06, kris wrote:
    >> Carol,
    >> Just wanted to let you know that you, JF and some of the other *positive*
    >> posters in this board are a real inspiration. I'm planning to go solo in
    >> January - I have my office & phone number and little else. My main goal at
    >> first is to just meet operating expenses - luckily, DH has a good job and we
    >> don't have to have my income to pay the bills.
    >> How long did it take you and the other solos who actually practice law to
    > turn
    >> a profit (i.e., earn a buck). I love the advice about joining local
    >> organizations, chamber, etc. Could you let me know a little more about the
    >> "will party" you posted earlier? I've often thought this would be a neat
    >> idea, but was unsure how to actually go about it w/o being tacky.
    >> My plan is to practice bankruptcy/estate planning/probate. Anyone have
    > advice
    >> for a newbie, especially in these areas (please - no get out of law advice!)
    >> Thanks,
    >> Kris
    > As far as turning a profit, most people I know who went solo operated in the
    > red the first year, yours truly included. When you figure that it takes
    > months to settle even a simple PI and a year to collect on probate attorney
    > fees you have to do something else to bring in the money in the meantime. If
    > you're very unlucky you may not make anything for a couple of years, and may
    > even lose money. But I also know a couple of attorneys who hit the ground
    > running and did great right off. But they had background that helped them
    > specialize in a certain area and were able to cultivate that. As for the will
    > party, that was my sister's idea. right after I passed the bar we were
    > sitting around a friend's deck one night and she noted that she and her
    > husband had never made a will. several of the neighbors were there and stated
    > an interest but just didn't want to take the time out of work, ect. to set up
    > an appointment with an attorney, and didn't they need to have all of this
    > information together first, etc. As I was explaining that it can be very
    > simple, she suggested that maybe we could just all get together one evening
    > and make some out. It kind of took off from there. You have to be careful
    > about soliciting business, some states really frown on that. But she put the
    > word out to any of our friends that we were going to have a "will party" and
    > maybe even a living wake after for all of us who were interested. I brought
    > my laptop to not take any chances on confidentiality, everyone brought snacks
    > and drinks and the rule was no drinks till after the wills were signed. with
    > a simple will template it was very easy to just put in the names etc. Then
    > unrelated parties witnessed them. Two copies and if they wanted I'd keep a
    > copy at the office. After that, party! I have also gone to clients houses to
    > do wills and powers of attorney. I disagree that there no money in probate
    > unless you're well connected, I don't remember who said that but it's not
    > true. You get a farmer with a couple of hundred acres and you're got quite a
    > nice little attorney fee there. estate planning is good, the probate will
    > follow since families will almost automatically go the attorney who did the
    > estate planning or made the will. We don't charge much for a simple will for
    > more than one reason, the first is that it's so easy it hardly takes any time
    > and I won't gouge people just because I could. The second is that it creates
    > good will and they'll come back with the estate.

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  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by solo2.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Clerk Dubs.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by jim.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/29/06, by Solo in Paradise.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Mark .
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Sparky the Flying Waffle.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Biff "The Flying Sandwich".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Bindy "The Flying Onion".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Flying Taco Thief.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/21/06, by Mark.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge"*"FLying whatever", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by kris.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by MacCheever.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/28/06, by v.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 11/11/06, by Cecile H.

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