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    Post: Taking "The Plunge"

    Posted by Clerk Dubs on 9/27/06

    I graduated from law school last year as a "non-
    traditional" student (i.e. I'm in my mid-thirties). I've
    been working as a clerk in my county for the past 9 months.

    I've been trying to decide how to proceed from here, as I
    can't live on the pittance they pay clerks in my neck of
    the woods. Recently, one of the lawyers that's in front
    of my judge on a regular basis asked me what I planned to
    do, and offered me space in his building for a reasonable
    price. I have to pay rent ($500 / month), phone and
    internet service, but in return I get a receptionist (who
    works for the whole office) and I get access to two highly
    capable attorneys (one does PI the other family and
    criminal law), who have both offered to give me advice and
    even sit second chair on cases if I needed assistance.
    The attorney who owns the building even offered to front
    me expenses on cases that require it (if I did not have
    the means at that time).

    He also said he would help me get started as a sole
    practitioner, refering cases he doesn't want to me, and
    giving me general information on how to get my own
    practice up, running and in the black.

    Of course my concern is whether or not I can expect to
    even make the rent and utility payments per month when I
    start. I don't have a vast nest egg, and I figure I need
    about $3,000 just to get off the ground (computer,
    printer, office furniture, etc.).

    Seems like the chance of a lifetime to me, was wondering
    if anyone had any input on this? I can't find any
    negative (other than standard inital-sole-practitioner-
    angst-about-the-possibility-of-not-making-any-money), but
    I'd like to hear what others think.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by Clerk Dubs.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by solo2.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Clerk Dubs.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by jim.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/29/06, by Solo in Paradise.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Mark .
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Sparky the Flying Waffle.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Biff "The Flying Sandwich".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Bindy "The Flying Onion".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Flying Taco Thief.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/21/06, by Mark.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge"*"FLying whatever", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by kris.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by MacCheever.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/28/06, by v.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 11/11/06, by Cecile H.

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