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    Re: Taking "The Plunge"

    Posted by Shtick on 9/28/06

    Go for it...sounds like you have a good plan. I think your
    chances of success are higher than the average solo.

    On 9/28/06, Clerk Dubs wrote:
    > Thanks for...well the productive response.
    > I'm also working on getting a nighttime teaching position,
    > which won't be a lot of money, but it will add to my
    > income. I'm also trying to score a local solicitorship,
    > which, together with the teaching would probably get me to
    > about 50&37; of my current income, at about 1/20th the time
    > effort.
    > I don't know about the whole go-fer thing, I know both the
    > attorneys in this practice very well, and they're both
    > highly respectful and professional people.
    > I have access to free office furniture, so that's taken care
    > of. I've set aside money for a computer, client management
    > software and a decent printer. I have an internet fax
    > number already. I already own my own webspace
    > ( &, and a
    > programmer friend of mine is putting together a simple
    > webpage. I'm looking at letterhead and business cards, and
    > I think I can squeeze them, along with some other office
    > supplies into my budget.
    > Health insurance is going to be on the back burner for a
    > little while, I'm getting married next year to my fiancee
    > who works in the court administrator's office in the county
    > courthouse. I own my own home, no mortgage.
    > I think $500 is a fantastic deal for a new attorney for
    > office space and the luxury of having someone answer his
    > phones for him. I personally know the receptionist, she's a
    > sweetheart. Oh, and the office is on the same block as the
    > US Federal Courthouse, and the County Courthouse is across
    > the street. Trust me, $500 is a steal.
    > I'm already a member of the local bar, and on the pro-bono
    > and court-appointment list, although I can't take them right
    > now, I'm in the rotation. I'm also looking to be put on the
    > guardian ad litem list in my county, which will afford me
    > oppurtunities to make an extra buck here and there (my judge
    > alone appoints 2 - 3 GALs a week), not a ton of cash, but my
    > first few years everything will count.
    > I've thought this through for a long time, I had the
    > oppurtunity to go with a law firm, probably get more cash in
    > the short run, but unless you're family (at least in my
    > area), the chances of succeeding at local law firms are
    > minimal.
    > For others out there who are worried about the sole
    > practitioner route, I can't speak for your area but in this
    > area I personally know more than a dozen attorneys who went
    > solo and made it big. That's approximately 2&37; of the
    > bar that I know personally. The naysayers here are
    > apparently embittered by their own failures, don't let them
    > sway you from a calculated move to solo practice.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by Clerk Dubs.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/27/06, by solo2.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Clerk Dubs.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by Shtick.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/28/06, by jim.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 9/29/06, by Solo in Paradise.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Mark .
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Sparky the Flying Waffle.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/18/06, by Biff "The Flying Sandwich".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Bindy "The Flying Onion".
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/20/06, by Flying Taco Thief.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/21/06, by Mark.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/22/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge"*"FLying whatever", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/23/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by kris.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by JF.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by MacCheever.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/24/06, by Martin.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/25/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 10/28/06, by v.
  • Re: Taking "The Plunge", 11/11/06, by Cecile H.

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