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    Re: Estate Planning Practice

    Posted by JF on 9/30/06

    In my opinion, you are in a great position. Take advantage
    of it, and fast. Voids fill quickly. My advice is to become
    an expert at estate planning. Then, more importantly, tell
    everyone that you're an expert. Become active in the Chamber
    of Commerce, send out notices, try to write an estate
    planning column or columns in the local paper (I've found
    this easier than it seems - just call the editor and ask),
    run some seminars, join the local bar estate planning groups
    and become active there. Get to know as many referral
    sources as possible, especially accountants, insurance
    agents, and real estate brokers (real estate goes hand in
    hand with estate planning so you might want to include this
    as part of your practice). These are all free/cheap means of
    exposure. Talk about estate planning over and over and over
    again to anyone willing to listen. Give your clients utmost
    respect and attention, and do a good job. Do NOT
    undercharge. Also, very important, be as visible as
    possible, and set your office up in the heart of the
    business district.

    It will take a while, and you may lose money at first, but
    the work will come, especially if your town already has a
    retiring "guru".

    A side thought: Have you thought of contacting the retiring
    lawyer about taking over his/her practice? Just a thought.

    Best of luck, I'll be rooting for you.

    On 9/29/06, Jennifer wrote:
    > Hello solos,
    > I live in a mdeium sized town. I have a general
    > practice. The local estate planning guru is retiring.
    > I'm thinking of jumping into this practice area. Can
    > anybody give me guidance on how to break into this
    > practice area? I appreciate any thoughts.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Estate Planning Practice, 9/29/06, by Jennifer.
  • Re: Estate Planning Practice, 9/30/06, by JF.
  • Re: Estate Planning Practice, 9/30/06, by JF.
  • Re: Estate Planning Practice, 10/02/06, by Dave.

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