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    Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes

    Posted by Oda Nobunaga "Teacher" on 10/03/06

    Pupil Zataoichi,

    Return to the study room immediately. It has been written since
    ancient times, "It is a foolish dog, that barks at the flying bird."

    On 10/02/06, Zatoichi wrote:
    > Oda,
    > The oxen are slow....but the Earth is patient......
    > The Famous Swordsman
    > On 10/02/06, Oda Nobunaga "The Teacher" wrote:
    >> I apologize to this board for the wayward writing of my pupil,
    >> Zataoichi. He is eager to go forth and spread his wisdom, but he
    >> is not ready. I will hit him on his wrists with a stick one
    >> thousand times for this transgression. This is the way it must
    >> be. Namas de.
    >> On 10/02/06, Ichi wrote:
    >>> Some Guy, you've had it rough. The response was for Giroscope.
    >>> The Master apologizes for misdirected commentary.
    >>> On 10/02/06, Giroscope wrote:
    >>>> I was a solo for 2 years out of law school. I actually passed
    >>>> up several job offers because I wanted to be on my own. Solo
    >>>> practice sucks. The clients suck. They are usually bottom of
    >>>> barrel types who don't believe they should have to pay a
    >>>> lawyer. The work sucks. Usually messy and boring. Solos are
    >>>> not respected within the legal profession. Given the high
    >>>> student loan debt levels, I am surprised anybody would ever go
    >>>> solo anymore. I'm not saying this to be a downer. I'm just
    >>>> sharing my experience. During my 2 years as a solo, I never
    >>>> had any money to do anything. Whenever I got a big fee, I put
    >>>> it back into the business. I couldn't take my kids to the
    >>>> ballgame or do anything.
    >>>> Then throw in things like this: You do a great job for a
    >>>> client but the case does not work out well, maybe because it
    >>>> was a difficult one to win anyway. Then, they either sue you
    >>>> or file a complaint against you. Solo practice, and non-
    >>>> biglaw firm life sucks. Biglaw sucks too, but at least there
    >>>> you are well paid and have a powerful organization behind
    >>>> you. If you can't get a biglaw job, go to government, or non
    >>>> traditional. Solo life really sucks.
    >>>> On 10/02/06, Carol wrote:
    >>>>> On 9/30/06, Some Guy wrote:
    >>>>>> So you made the plunge into law and eventually solo
    >>>>>> practice. As it turns out, things don't go so well. In
    >>>>> fact
    >>>>>> they go really bad. Your bankrupt, or on the verge of
    >>>>>> filing bankruptcy. You live with your parents. Your womans
    >>>>>> dumped you. Your burned out. Your overweight. You have no
    >>>>>> friends. Your car is broken and you can't afford to fix
    >>>>> it,
    >>>>>> and you have to ride the bus. Plus you've been unemployed
    >>>>>> for 6 months, and you've been disciplined for attorney
    >>>>>> misconduct... failure to return files, failure to return
    >>>>>> phone calls, client abandonment, failure to do work
    >>>>>> compentently.
    >>>>>> How do you recover from that? What do you do with your
    >>>>> life
    >>>>>> now?
    >>>>> well, not be flip but it looks like things can only get
    >>>>> better. you're not the only one to be disciplined, many
    >>>>> attorneys get disciplined but only the ones that people
    >>>>> complain about. You might consider public service, the
    >>>>> legal openings in government don't pay well but they hire.
    >>>>> most states have a state job board on the net. maybe you
    >>>>> just got in over your head with the solo. i've made some
    >>>>> significant errors in my practice too, it's called a
    >>>>> learning curve, but if you dwell on it and let it get you
    >>>>> down it just snowballs. It sounds like you may be suffering
    >>>>> from depression. scrape together the money and go see a
    >>>>> doctor, get on an anti-depressant, learn to meditate and
    >>>>> find a counselor that can help you through this. been
    >>>>> there. going through a dry spell myself right now, the rear
    >>>>> bumper of my car is fixed with duck tape cos I don't have
    >>>>> the money to get it fixed right. at least you have a bus to
    >>>>> ride. btw, there is no ethical reason (imho) to tell clients
    >>>>> all of this but you should definitely let potential
    >>>>> employers know. good luck.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Rock Bottom, 9/30/06, by Some Guy.
  • Re: Rock Bottom, 9/30/06, by aaaaa.
  • Re: Rock Bottom, 10/02/06, by Carol.
  • Re: Rock Bottom, 10/02/06, by Giroscope.
  • Re: Rock Bottom, 10/02/06, by Zatoichi.
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/02/06, by Ichi.
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/02/06, by Oda Nobunaga "The Teacher".
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/02/06, by Zatoichi.
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/03/06, by Oda Nobunaga "Teacher".
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/03/06, by Ichi.
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/03/06, by Oda.
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/03/06, by Ichi.
  • Re: Rock Bottom--Master Ichi Apologizes, 10/04/06, by Carol.

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