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    Re: CLE -- what is required to get the credits?

    Posted by Charles on 5/26/07

    > On 2/20/07, Catfish wrote:
    >> I've never done any CLE and now I need to do some. I'm
    >> wondering, in general, what is required in order to get CLE
    >> credits? Is it merely enough to show up at a lecture (and
    >> perhaps fall asleep) or is it also necessary to fill out a
    >> quiz at the end to prove that you paid attention?
    >> In other words, is it as simple as merely plunking down
    > your
    >> quid and warming a seat for a couple hours, or is it
    >> necessary to actually try to learn something?

    Depends on the state you're in. Some CLE programs
    have "homework" that you are required to turn in by a certain
    date or you have to sit through the boring lecture again. In
    New Jersey, you have homework for your first year CLE,
    although paying attention in the lectures wasn't all that
    necessary for me to complete it sucessfully. In the second
    and third years, you could sleep right through it all. Only
    reason to pay attention was if it covered an area that you
    yourself was practicing, what they told you might be useful.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • CLE -- what is required to get the credits?, 2/20/07, by Catfish.
  • Re: CLE -- what is required to get the credits?, 2/20/07, by Sniffard MChetser.
  • Re: CLE -- what is required to get the credits?, 5/26/07, by Charles.

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