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    Re: Advice for Starting Residential Real Estate Closing Prac

    Posted by Mr. Blue on 5/23/07

    If you're going to open a solo practice fresh out of law school
    without having any experience, then one of the huge issues is:
    "What field can I specialize in where I'll be able to get paying

    Of course, it's going to be hard to find work in any practice
    area even if you do have experience, but perhaps it's easier to
    find work in some areas rather than others.

    You might consider trying to work as a court-appointed attorney
    doing criminal defense and guardian-ad-litem work. The
    "clients" are assigned to you, so you only need to convince the
    court to give you the "clients" and the government pays for it.
    However, it isn't very glamorous nor does it pay well. It
    might even be difficult to find that type of work.

    Face reality--it's going to be hard to convince sophisticated
    clients--businesses, college-educated people, and most people
    who's economic status is above middle class--to give you work if
    you don't have any experience or connections. It's going to be
    a struggle as you slug it out with the myraid of other
    struggling fresh-out-of-law school solos.

    It might be better to try to find a halfway decent job that
    would offer benefits, first, and to then try to build a practice
    part time. (I know, I know, easier said than done and you can't
    work in some practice areas where you have to appear in court or
    be in certain places at certain times.) Alternatively, if you
    can earn a decent income in another field, perhaps you could
    work in that field for a couple years while you pay down the bad
    (high interest, unconsolidated) portions of your loan debt and
    raise the money neeeded to fund the high startup costs of a solo
    practice. Havign a wife who wearns a middle class income and
    who could provide you with benefits through her job would help, too.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Advice for Starting Residential Real Estate Closing Practice, 5/21/07, by MWebb.
  • Re: Advice for Starting Residential Real Estate Closing Prac, 5/21/07, by Taz.
  • Re: Advice for Starting Residential Real Estate Closing Prac, 5/23/07, by Mr. Blue.
  • Re: Advice for Starting Residential Real Estate Closing Prac, 6/24/07, by Closing Attorney.
  • Re: Advice for Starting Residential Real Estate Closing Prac, 8/22/07, by James.

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