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    Re: starting solo and getting Ct appointments??

    Posted by Carol on 2/11/08

    On 1/23/08, Rob wrote:
    > You can call just call the judges and they will put you on
    > their list. If you are interested in criminal work, you
    > may want to contact your local public defender's office for
    > contract work. Most of them hire private lawyers (at
    > about $50 per hour) to handle "conflict files."
    > On 1/16/08, Hoeful solo wrote:
    >> I am planning on starting solo in the southeastern part of
    >> Ohio right out of law school. I was going to try to get
    >> public appointments mostly while I try to grow my business.
    >> I am willing to drive to several nearby counties
    >> surrounding Athens, ohio. I was curious if there was anyone
    >> familiar with the public appointment system / process in
    >> that area and whether I can expect to actually get any
    >> appointments early on, and how many to really expect?
    hey neighbor. Athens county as you may know has a public
    defender's office. Vinton already has 4 attorneys that do
    criminal, not sure if that's at the saturation level or not
    since it's a pretty sparsely populated county but also very
    poor. Don't know anything at all about Meigs. Jackson is
    court appointed, Ross has its own public defender office. In
    my county the rate for court appointment is $35.00/hr. Rob is
    right, just let them know you'll take appointments-- except I
    would advise actually going to the court and introduce
    yourself to the judge and staff. They'll put you on the list
    for appointments if you've passed the bar, but if the judge
    doesn't know you, you may not get many appointments at first.
    Depends on the judge and the county as to what to expect re:
    amount of work. My advice: stick with muni till you get your
    feet wet. common pleas is much more complicated and takes
    sometimes a year or 2 to finish and get paid. in muni you can
    get 2 0r 3 cases (or more) done a week. not great pay but
    great experience. we only get $35.00/hr in my county for
    court appointed. also, not a bad idea to hook up with a
    couple of the local defense attorneys for a little
    guidance/comraderie. Most small rural counties we all know
    each other, can really help if you've got a schedule problem
    etc. good luck. BTW are you really "hoeful" or hopeful? :)

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • starting solo and getting Ct appointments??, 1/16/08, by Hoeful solo .
  • Re: starting solo and getting Ct appointments??, 1/23/08, by Rob.
  • Re: starting solo and getting Ct appointments??, 2/05/08, by Ralph Rutledge.
  • Re: starting solo and getting Ct appointments??, 2/11/08, by Carol.

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