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    Re: Considering expanding to PI

    Posted by Carol on 1/04/09

    On 12/30/08, Dave wrote:
    > I've been a small business generalist for several years,
    > but am finding that small business owners are getting more
    > difficult to work with while becoming less profitable.
    > I've got litigation experience, and am thinking of
    > focusing on personal injury. Has anyone else made this
    > kind of transition? How did you do it?
    Put the word out to your colleagues who do PI. See if they
    have one or two little ones that they can throw your way to
    cut your teeth on, attend CLE courses and network would be my
    advice. I personally feel the guys who advertise for PI are
    ambulance-chasers, but then that's just me. We do a fair
    amount of PI, some are no brainers, some that look like they
    should be can turn out to be nightmares. Make sure you have a
    network so you can call up someone and ask for some direction
    or advice. It's helpful in you know someone in the medical
    field who can help you interpret the medical data. And I
    don't mean a sleazy chiropractor who will shoot you
    questionable patients, I mean someone who knows the language
    like a doctor/nurse/nurse aide/physical therapist so you don't
    have to hire and expert every time you aren't sure of what a
    diagnosis means. good luck.

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Considering expanding to PI, 12/30/08, by Dave.
  • Re: Considering expanding to PI, 1/04/09, by Carol.
  • Re: Considering expanding to PI, 5/11/10, by Maria.

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