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    Post: question about forming LLC

    Posted by Jason Hindman on 4/10/07

    I need some advice from a tax attorney. In short, me and my
    partner are in the process of obtaining a business method
    patent of which we intend to license out to a larger
    company. We are struggling to figure out if we should
    form an LLC or other corporate entity and if there would be
    any tax advantages to doing so. I've put in rouhgly $3000
    out-of-pocket at this point in time and don't know whether
    it would benefit me more to form an LLC with my partner or
    just incur the costs myself.

    Any advice in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in advance!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • question about forming LLC, 4/10/07, by Jason Hindman.
  • Re: question about forming LLC, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.

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