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    Re: question about forming LLC

    Posted by Tony Dennison on 6/28/07

    Give me a call,

    Tony Dennison Esq.


    On 4/10/07, Jason Hindman wrote:
    > I need some advice from a tax attorney. In short, me and
    > partner are in the process of obtaining a business method
    > patent of which we intend to license out to a larger
    > company. We are struggling to figure out if we should
    > form an LLC or other corporate entity and if there would be
    > any tax advantages to doing so. I've put in rouhgly $3000
    > out-of-pocket at this point in time and don't know whether
    > it would benefit me more to form an LLC with my partner or
    > just incur the costs myself.
    > Any advice in this regard would be greatly appreciated.
    > Thanks in advance!

    Give me a call

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • question about forming LLC, 4/10/07, by Jason Hindman.
  • Re: question about forming LLC, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.

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