Re: back taxes: shjould I go straight to the IRS?
Posted by Frankie on 7/05/08
One ramification of not filing your 2007 federal tax return is
you lose out on the economic relief payment. Nevertheless, if
you continue to not file or pay taxes, you're merely
postponing the inevitable. You will expose yourself to
substantial interest and penalties. You can get an idea of
each at They publish the rates for each tax year.
When you get a notice from the taxing authority regarding your
liability, then you may want to consult with an attorney. For
now, find a tax professional to advise you. However, keep in
mind that the IRS rewards people who report tax code violators
- see IRS form 211.
On 6/04/08, bella mews wrote:
> Haven't paid any taxes federal or state for ten years, made
> $55K last year (with 1099s reported), $43K in 2006 (with
> 1099s), and around $33K each year before that, going back
> to 2002. What should I do? Walk into the Fed IRS office? Or
> try to hire an attorney FIRST? And what kind of a penalty
> am I looking at?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- back taxes: shjould I go straight to the IRS?, 6/04/08, by bella mews.
- Re: back taxes: shjould I go straight to the IRS?, 7/05/08, by Frankie.