Post: Income Tax Altering By Onslow County Tax and Magistrate

Posted by Nonya Business on 7/01/08
I have been notified by the NC State IRS that
I have to pay taxes and fines for not filing
a return.
I am a Marine Retiree who has only my retirement check
comming to me. I had completed 21 years 9 months
of continuous service without any break in service.
I recently found out that That a worker at the Onslow
County magistrate's office, his homosexual boyfriends
at the Onslow county tax office and his and his wife's
bisexual boyfriend who is also a counterfeiter of
old $100 bills and pieced together copies of current
$50 bills were retaliating against retirees who
gaffed them off or rejected their direct overtures
by claiming that all of us were something called
a "Bailey Settlement" while intercepting our electronic
submissions of our federal income taxes.
Since this is based on interception of Federal Tax
Returns; Should criminal Charges be filed through the
Federal IRS in Fayetteville, or through the SBI?
The State IRS is going to make us pay these levis
and fines regardless because some gay connection with
their claims and customer service has an agreement
to accept only the word of the dirtbags here in Onslow
We all have also had our motor vehicle taxable values
altered from the real bluebook value to some other
value of less than $1000. I drive a Classic Benz
and many others drive similar antique vehicles.
I'd like to prosecute all of these degenerates as
soon as possible.
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Income Tax Altering By Onslow County Tax and Magistrate, 7/01/08, by Nonya Business.