Post: Student Loan Interest

Posted by Student Loan Interest Question on 2/04/09
I have graduated from graduate school and I have recently started paying off my student loan debt. I don't make enough money to afford a house mostly due to the student loan payments that I make monthly which are nearly equal to what my mortgage would be. After starting to repay my loans in June 2008, I have paid off over $4300 dollars worth of interest. Why is there a cap of $2500 on the student loan interest deduction. If I could deduct the full $4300 and next year almost $7000 I would be well on my way to affording a home and mortgage, of which the mortgage would be able to be written off totally. Why can't we right off the total expense of interest paid on student loans????
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Student Loan Interest, 2/04/09, by Student Loan Interest Question.
- Re: Student Loan Interest, 1/27/10, by Mary Russell.