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    Post: Backup information for Schedule K1

    Posted by Tumbao on 4/17/11

    So, I received the Schedule K1 from my former company in
    which I was a 50% Partner for 5 years until September 2010.
    In previous years I always received also the company tax
    returns (of course). This year I only received forms showing
    the basis but nothing else.

    Is my former business partner obligated to provide me with
    all the backup information that shows how the numbers on the
    K1 were calculated? We are not at good terms and so far he
    has not responded to my phone calls...

    Whats even more disturbing is that the K1 is showing me as a
    64% shareholder for tax purposes. I have no idea how that
    has been computed.

    Thank you for any replies!

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Backup information for Schedule K1, 4/17/11, by Tumbao.

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