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    Re: Tax lein

    Posted by Tony Dennison on 6/28/07

    All the IRS needs to do is send out a letter of notice of
    lien, followed by, after a certain amount of time, a notice
    of levy...If you cantact an attorney soon enough, you can
    get a judge involved to stop the taking of your
    can also use aministrative avenues within the IRS.

    The company really has no choice but to obey a levy notice
    from the IRS.

    When in doubt call a tax attorney.

    You can call me if you want or check out my webpage for some
    other info.

    I hope this helped.

    Tony Dennison Esq.

    On 2/06/07, doc wrote:
    > The IRS recently put a tax lein on my retirement check
    > from the company I retired from. Don't they legally have
    > to have a court order or have authorisation from the
    > Secretary of the Treasury. It was only signed by a field
    > agent with no authorisation by SOT. Can I sue the company
    > that let them take money out of my check if this is not
    > legal? thanks

    Nope and nope

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Tax lein, 2/06/07, by doc.
  • Re: Tax lein, 6/28/07, by Tony Dennison.

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