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    Post: Defamation of Character

    Posted by Maribeth Evans on 1/19/05

    I was falsely accused of Elder Abuse and Child Abuse of
    both residents in my Adult Care Home and my three children
    by two revengeful former employees 1 1/2 years ago. The
    case never went anywhere and was unfounded by the
    Commissioner of our County Social Services.

    I am very bitter that these two women were never
    prosecuted for their false reporting.

    I am a prominent business person in own Village of 1400
    people, I am the local treasurer of the food pantry, I am
    the Captain of our local Emergency Medical Services Squad,
    have three children, married for 15 years and a full-time
    student as well as caring for my older live-in guests.

    But I am still angry and I just don't understand why at
    the time of this accusation that was false - no one
    bothered to go after these two people who wanted revenge
    against me?
    I have spent a lifetime doing good things and two people
    almost ruined my livelihood based on hatred and
    bitterness. Why? One employee wanted me to fire her so
    that she could collect unemployment - I wouldn't based on
    the fact that I didn't have enough to ethically let her
    go, she had only messed up one, but it was a big mess.
    The other is dating the first's brother. This one I can't
    believe did this, as she not only worked for me once, came
    back again when she finished college. I helped her in
    college with finances and helped her again when she
    couldn't pay for living expenses, also sent her soldier
    boyfriend personal items when he was in Iraq! When she
    couldn't live on her salary - I gave her a huge raise,
    then she said she needed another job, I gave her another
    job at my other company.

    I am a foolish person, I know. But I like to believe that
    I am helping someone.

    There was no elder abuse - if there was she would have
    seen it, and not worked for me a second time and not have
    offered up her future sister in law as a potential

    How can I convince my District Attorney to prosecute a
    Class A misdemeanor when I don't have positive proof -
    names written on paper. I had heard that after a specific
    amount of time after a false report and the report is
    unfounded a person can find out who made the false report.
    Have you heard of this in NYS?

    I would like to know. Any advice? I have left a message
    with the DA's office hoping that they might find this

    Maribeth Evans

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