Post: Had A Colostomy In The Last 20 Years? YOU CAN SUE
Posted by Europe For Medicine on 2/22/05
If you have had a colostomy in the past 20 years in the
United States You Have Grounds For A MAJOR Malpractice
Since 1985, more and more countries are ruling colostomies
as illegal.
Since 1999 U.S laws in CFRs on Occupational Health and
public health have made victims of doctors who have
received colostomies, "Bigger Pariahs Than Full Blown
AIDS Patients".
In all states except New York Colostomy Malpractice
victims cannot operate a motor vehicle.
Federal Laws under CFR 46 treat colostomy malpractice
victims like biological warfare terrorists by prohibitting
them from the use of interstate and international
public transportation.
In 2000 the Social Security Administration fired over
1350 colostomy malpracrice victims because of new
OSHA/Federal Public health laws.
In Europe performing a colostomy is treated the same
as performing a clotheshanger abortion. Only in the
United States is it legal to perform a colostomy.
(The US is also 1 of only 3 countries who allow
elective abortions of pregnancy also.)
Posts on this thread, including this one
- Had A Colostomy In The Last 20 Years? YOU CAN SUE, 2/22/05, by Europe For Medicine.