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    Post: third party non-custodial guardianship petition--no merit

    Posted by sjklevickis on 2/27/05

    I am a 39 year old mother of two daugthers, one 14 and one
    5 years old. They are beautiful and academically
    consciencioius (of course, particularly my 14 year old).

    My daughter (13 at the time), went to visit my sister
    almost 300 miles away to the north (all in California).
    Almost immediately I began receiving telephone calls, my
    sister dismissing the importance of the request and my
    daughter pleading with me to stay in the very small town
    for the first semester (until holidays at most)... as she
    is having a wonderful time on vacation.

    Immediately I said, "no." I continued this position for
    several days, in which I received several calls from my
    sister to further solicit a "yes" answer. I was finally
    pursuaded (against my better judgement) to allow her to
    begin high school there under very specific conditions,
    that my sister, my daughter and I were all aware of--
    Michelle was to visit at our home each weekend and would
    be home to stay by the holidays.

    My sister ultimately pushed the decision by playing up the
    notion that our house was on the market and because of the
    inconvenience of selling it, best to relieve Michelle of
    the subsequent commotion.

    Now mid-August, I made the decision (reluctantly and
    extremely pained by it); based on the every weekend visit
    and coming home to stay date. By early October I could
    tell things were not going well. My daughter had not
    visited except for one day, briefly. My calls were often
    unreturned and my concerns were met with growing

    I tried to express the need to end this situation with my
    sister. She cried and played up the notion that Michelle
    would be too upset to not be able to stay until the
    holidays as I had promised. The house was sold, now in
    escrow... We ended that conversation without making final
    arrangements for Michelle's return, except my sister was
    aware that I wanted Michelle returned already, without

    November 3, our new house was up and running, unpacking
    and with phone numbers and DSL connections, I tried to
    reach my sister and my daughter for the coming ~3 weeks
    and was unable to get them by e-mail, instant messaging or
    telephone. Finally, I reached my sister on November 19,
    to discover that she had taken my daughter not only out of
    state, but across the country! I was furious, but more
    importantly needed to discuss the details of my daughter's

    I inquired about the return rather quickly within the
    instant message conversation. She then replied with, "I
    have no intention of ever returning your daughter to you."
    I sent a letter to my sister demanding my child be
    returned. I sent it Federal Express with signature
    confirmation, to be sure of it's receipt. I copied the DA
    in my county's district attorney's office, child abduction
    unit--and followed up with the DA by telephone over the
    next several days.

    I had allowed my sister two weeks to assist my daughter in
    wrapping her activities up and returning my daughter
    home. The day before the two weeks was to expire and my
    daughter would be coming home, my sister sent me a US
    Postal service notice that she filed a "temporary
    guardianship". The DA told me to hire an attorney
    immediately. I did.

    The allegations that have followed this petition are
    ridiculous. They change from one week to the next, first
    I am unable to provide "financially" in order to be
    considered "fit" -- as that gets disproven, then I
    am "physically abusive" -- until my daughter takes the
    stand and honestly answers that I have NEVER spanked,
    harmed or punished her physically ever. Then the charges
    become "emotional" abuse. However, NOTHING indicates any
    such emotional incompentencies to suport this allegation

    In the meantime, I am rarely able to speak to my daughter
    on the telephone. I have only been able to visit with her
    a total of 4 times. The last 2 visits, my daughter has
    stated to me that she wants to stay home, but my sister
    won't allow her to do so.

    I have never been arrested. Do not drink or use drugs.
    Do not have any CPS investigations in my history. No
    school related inquiries, nothing. My sister has
    purchased $500 worth of clothing for her, a new bedroom
    set, a new computer, a new cell phone, promises of travel
    to foreign locations as well as domestic, cash, and a new
    BMW on her 16th birthday for her continued participation.
    She is young and quite impressionable. She is being taken
    for a ride--as these gifts do not come without STRINGS
    attached in a grossly inappropriate way.

    I travel this great distance once or twice per month to
    sit in an antiquated courthouse. Most of the time only to
    hear after many intense and grueling hours, that the
    matter will be continued because the petitioner (my
    sister's counsel) is in the restroom while the cases are
    being called, the judge is too busy that day, the
    petitioner's lawyer needs more time for review, etc.

    These charges are false. My daughter needs to come home.
    I am the only parent she has had and my sister had never
    shown any real interest in her prior to her visit in July.

    Not until weeks/months into this situation did I realize
    that my sister's motivation goes directly to a long
    disputed financial matter, to which was not resolved in a
    manner that was pleasing to her.

    I want my daughter home. I do not appreciate her being
    used as a "pawn" by my sister--actually this fact enrages
    me. My sister drinks every day and I fear for my
    daughter's well being. I just need her home. My attorney
    seems puzzled about how to handle the judge just appointed
    to his bench on 1/3/05, our case initially heard on
    1/6/05, and the lack of protocol within the rural
    communities judicial system.

    I've missed what's going on almost a year without the
    benefit of my daughter, missed homecoming dances and all
    of her growing up throughout this school year--almost. Is
    this a matter that I can sue my sister over? Torts
    arising from interference of parental/child relationship
    research does find a few cases where this has been
    successful. Does anyone know anything about the liklihood
    of this in 2005? In California?

    Thank you so much.


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • third party non-custodial guardianship petition--no merit, 2/27/05, by sjklevickis.
  • Re: third party non-custodial guardianship petition, 2/27/05, by sharwinston.
  • Re: third party non-custodial guardianship petition, 2/27/05, by sjklevickis.
  • Re: third party non-custodial guardianship petition, 2/27/05, by sharwinston.
  • Re: third party non-custodial guardianship petition, 2/27/05, by sjklevickis.
  • Re: third party non-custodial guardianship petition, 2/27/05, by sharwinston.

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