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    Post: Medicaly what went wrong????

    Posted by Bob B on 3/25/05

    In 2003,I had to have my bladder removed. My surgery was
    done by a team of 4 Drs. as was to take between 8 to 10
    hrs, and I would be hospitalized for about 10 to 12 days
    before going home. The surgery ended up taking 14 hrs. and
    my hospital stay was 19 days. After the surgery, I had
    a "total numbness" from my lower back, to my upper thigh
    area. Because of this "total numbness" I was not able to
    return to work and was granted "Permanent Disability"by
    the State of N.J.. I was refered to a Neurologist by the
    sugeon and he dianosed the problem as being nerves that
    were cut during the surgery. Before making my decision and
    discussing all the pitfalls of the operation with my
    surgeon before hand, many things were mentioned that might
    be a problem after, but it was never mentioned to me that
    I might end up with anything like having this numbness of
    being disabled. It this a ground for a Malpractice suit,
    being I was never informed of this possibility?????

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by Bob B.
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by 00.
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by Bob B..
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong?, 4/02/05, by sharwinston.

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