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    Re: Medicaly what went wrong????

    Posted by 00 on 3/25/05

    Things happen and everybody reacts differently to medical
    procedures. There are no guarantees in law and in medicine
    because nobody can predicte the outcome. It sounds like you
    had a competent team of doctors, there were complications and
    you had an unfortunate outcome, however, there is no way that
    anyone can predict all possible side effects and outcomes.

    IMHO: There are no grounds for malpractice.

    On 3/25/05, Bob B wrote:
    > In 2003,I had to have my bladder removed. My surgery was
    > done by a team of 4 Drs. as was to take between 8 to 10
    > hrs, and I would be hospitalized for about 10 to 12 days
    > before going home. The surgery ended up taking 14 hrs. and
    > my hospital stay was 19 days. After the surgery, I had
    > a "total numbness" from my lower back, to my upper thigh
    > area. Because of this "total numbness" I was not able to
    > return to work and was granted "Permanent Disability"by
    > the State of N.J.. I was refered to a Neurologist by the
    > sugeon and he dianosed the problem as being nerves that
    > were cut during the surgery. Before making my decision and
    > discussing all the pitfalls of the operation with my
    > surgeon before hand, many things were mentioned that might
    > be a problem after, but it was never mentioned to me that
    > I might end up with anything like having this numbness of
    > being disabled. It this a ground for a Malpractice suit,
    > being I was never informed of this possibility?????

    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by Bob B.
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by 00.
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by Bob B..
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong????, 3/25/05, by Curmudgeon.
  • Re: Medicaly what went wrong?, 4/02/05, by sharwinston.

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