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    Post: Possible Medical Malpractice Suit

    Posted by Michelle Sherburne on 3/25/05

    Ok, to make a long story short. It all started when a
    doctor I was being treated by for chronic pain, touched me
    inappropriately. (I also think that his way of treatment
    was a hoax and charging wayy to much for it...he injected
    sooo much medicine at times it was very traumatic to me...
    more on that too. And in talking with someone, they even
    said that there were ungodly amounts of medicine injected
    into me, and that that can't be right.) I had contacted
    the State Medical Board in my State and got them involved.
    I had an investigator come to my house and talk to me about
    this inpropriety. In talking with the investigator, I
    started mentioning this other "doctor." To my surprise,
    the investigator told me, "Off the record, that this
    other "doctor" was in fact NOT a doctor, but a Licensed
    Massage Therapist." I was shocked, my jaw dropped to the
    floor. This so-called "doctor" was treating me like a
    chiropractor. In fact, there was a traction mishap that
    occured back in July of last year that involved this so-
    called "doctor." I was waiting patiently for therapy and
    he came strolling in and said, "Let's give you some
    traction." (Whether I needed it or not) So, I laid on the
    table, put my neck in the neck wedge, and he strapped my
    head in. Next thing I know, he turns the machine on and it
    pulled my neck so hard and fast, I thought my head was
    going to pop off. He comes over and says, "Oh, I had it
    set at 100lbs." I was like WHAT!!! (Whether it was actually
    100lbs., I do not know, but I do know it was not set
    right.) From what I recollect, it's only supposed to be set
    at the weight of your head. My neck hurt like hell after
    that, never putting 2 and 2 together until now. My one BIG
    point about this guy, is that he acts like a doctor and was
    treating me like one, and others as well, and he's NOT a
    DOCTOR, just an LMT!!! I have some really serious problems
    with my neck and low back. I have 3 bulged discs in my
    neck and one in my low back. He could've paralyzed me, or
    worse killed me. I know it's not what he could've done and
    I am not sure if there has been anymore damage done to my
    neck as a result of the traction mishap or not.

    As of this month, I have the chiropractic board involved in
    this matter as well. I swear I thought this guy was a
    chiropractor for the longest time. If I hadn't of pressed
    the issue with the state medical board, I may have never
    known this info. I was totally appalled.

    I also think there are some billing inproprieties as well.
    According to my Medical EOB's there are some things that
    just don't add up.

    How can a doctor that touched me inappropriately and one
    who acted like one, get away with this!! I feel like my
    rights were totally invaded and ignored as well as the
    emotional, mental and physical trauma by all of this. If
    you know of anything I can do or anyone I should talk to,
    please let me know. I really think I have a case, just not
    sure if it falls under medical malpractice or not...the
    sexual harrassment I know doesn't, but the other one has
    got me perplexed as to what I can do.

    Sincere Thanks,


    Posts on this thread, including this one
  • Possible Medical Malpractice Suit , 3/25/05, by Michelle Sherburne.
  • Re: Possible Medical Malpractice Suit , 4/02/05, by sharwinston.

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