Post: slander and libel
Posted by Kelly Anne on 3/29/05
I was fired from coaching a high school sport because administration had concerns about my leadership. In truth, none of the concerns administration brought up were true, they were things that a parent had persistently complained about for 2 years. The parent blatantly lied and formed a conspiracy (and successfully got a few other parents to join him) to get me fired. The parent made a satement in the bleachers of a game stating that I had spent all of the teams fundraising money at a local tavern. What can I do? 1) He made a defamatory/false statement 2) I have a witness (third party) who will attest to the fact that this person stated the lie. 3) It was about my profession 4) I was terminated for concerns issued by this parent and am losing future income of approximately $300,000. Is there a lawyer in Illinois that can take this case?
Posts on this thread, including this one
- slander and libel, 3/29/05, by Kelly Anne.